Friday, June 26, 2009

"Golden" Gifts

Planning the 50th Anniversary for my parents...
they wanted to get their kids together all in one place. Since this will take place at the cabin, 4 hours away from where they live it limited the number of people anyway.
What we've done so far:

We reserved a separate room at a nice little restaurant to have a "formal" dinner at. At this dinner will be all of my brothers and sisters in laws- which is a big deal since I haven't seen one of my brothers in 6 or 7 years.

At dinner we will pay tribute to them and give them gifts. We've gathered a box full of cards and letters from all the friends and family members (we sent out a letter announcing their anniversary back in May and asked for help in gathering 50 of them).

The box is fancy and hopefully they will treasure it and enjoy going through all the notes. Then we had a little clock engraved to present to them. I also made them an album that they can add the cards and letters to once they open them all and save them. I tried to get memories of Grandma and Grandpa from the grandkids as well (although I am still missing 2 from the adult grandkids- we can always add that later if they'll ever get back to me). After dinner we are going to have pictures taken and I am hoping for good weather! Please! Please!

The next event will be going back to the cabin for cake and we will watch the DVD that I made. I didn't put the pictures of my parents and their grandkids in order because I didn't want them to be conscious of themselves aging (silly maybe, but they notice those things).

The best part is that we are not just celebrating for an couple hours at a party, we are going to all be together for a couple days. I hope it will all turn out very nice.

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