Wednesday, August 12, 2009

As Little Children

Yesterday at my daughters party I was awe struck at that beautiful 8 year old child. I was amazed at her interacting, the color of her hair, how kind she is to her friends, how the heck she got to be 8, and how I hope she is always so happy. Pretty typical mom stuff.

One of the friends that she made sure she invited was a girl from school with learning disabilities. She loves this girl and considers her among her best of friends. The whole party I watched her help the little girl and say things like... Do you need help with that? Can you try to do this with me please? Come over here and be by me ok? She looked out for her at every turn. I was worried that maybe some of the other girls that didn't know this friend from school would be mean or laugh at the things she couldn't do but I think that because of how Chloe treated her, the other girls were just as kind.

Her teachers had told me many times at school how amazed they were at how great Chloe was at helping and loving this child in class. For two years now she has been seated next to her to help the teachers get her through the schoolwork. She is so naturally kind. The other girl is often rude and grumpy with her and she just lets it roll off her shoulders day after day (she never does this at home with us however). It was absolutely special for me to witness and just brought tears to my eyes at how effortless it was for her. I hope she never loses that gift. I stand in awe of that ability to accept and to value people. Love thy neighbor.

This is also the daughter of mine with some uphill challenges. She exhausts me and blesses me. She is an emotional roller coaster. I hope I can continue to have the patience, love, and inspiration that I desperately need to do what she needs me to. I need to raise her knowing how good she is and most importantly to drill it into her head that I love her NO MATTER WHAT. I'll take some of her example in doing this from what I've seen her do. Wow, what I have learned from my children is amazing.

"Verily I say unto to you, except ye be converted, and become as little chidren, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3


Missy said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I have been so busy I've neglected reading other blogs, but hopefully with school in session I can do better.

I loved reading your post. You do have a kind daughter. That's so very loving of her to take time with the other little girl especially when most probably would not. What a great example. I loved your party post, too.

Becca said...

I LOVE CHLOE. And you know what they say about kids with ADD, they are so brilliant! You are doing the best job and she is so lucky to have you for her mom. And remember to laugh, because if you don't, you might just end up crying. I am praying for your peace of mind and heart. Loves and Hugs to you Cinda.

Tracy said...

This brought tears to MY eyes! What a tender heart she must have, and what a beautiful example to her other friends (not to mention the girl with special needs.) What a special glimpse God gave to you that day. So glad you shared it with us.
