Saturday, February 6, 2010

Individual Worth

My daughter was asked to give a quick thought on Sunday night to a group of girls and their parents. (And YES, someone planned this on Superbowl sunday, so likely it will just be girls and MOMS that show). Apparently, different girls are getting up to speak about different scripture stories and the values they represent. I, admit, I wrote this paragraph for her to read because she is never home long enough to set down and do it (and I do kinda love writing). Anyway, I am really happy with how it turned out and thought I would post it as a little inspirational thought (I kinda like those as well). Oh, and get this, now they have also asked me to decorate for the event. How do I get sucked into these things? (Those decorations are a WHOLE different post, it's been challenging. The theme of the night has complicated THIS YEARS "Opening Ceremonies").


Esther was a girl that had to show great faith and courage. When her mission was presented to her, she knew that she needed much more than beauty to accomplish such a great task as to save her people. She knew that it was only she, who had found favor with the King, that could save the Jewish people from the evil plan against them. Esther prayed and prepared wisely, fasting for 3 days and waiting for the right moment, to make her plea. When the situation presented itself she knew she must have faith and bravely stated, “If I perish, I perish”. In the end, she was able to convince the King not to allow the injustice against her people to be carried out. Esther was told by her uncle, “who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this”. We have come today to the Earth as daughters of God, each given our own unique missions, and are of as much individual worth and value to our time as Esther was in hers.

1 comment:

Jenn L. said...

I love it, Cinda! Estrogen power!!! :)