Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fabulous 15

Somehow, however it is possible, Christian turned 15 on January 25th. I'm thinking back on when he was born and remembering all the emotions and how horrible the weather was. That day school was canceled because everything was coated with a sheet of ice and people were going off the roads all over town. He was 2 weeks early, induced because I had toxemia (spiked blood pressure)- a little bit of a rough start. He was born on my Grandma Schepke's birthday and was given her fathers name (he was Christian Rachow). He was only 6 lbs 1 oz when I brought him home from the hospital. He was the cutest baby, then became an active little guy, then became my best buddy, and somehow now he is taller than me, almost driving and almost dating. I guess it's all part of the growing up whirlwind, but the thought of him graduating in 3 years makes me sad... once your baby always your baby.

All my kids contribute their own special piece into our family puzzle. Being the only boy, he tends to get all the rough jobs, the hard and heavy ones, because he is so dang strong. He is actually a really good little artist, (a sensitive guy- he would hate that I said that), a little on the clumsy side sometimes, usually doesn't need to be asked twice to help, very musical, and better at way more things than he thinks he is (and is so much fun). I will even overlook the gang of boys he brings here nearly every day to clean out my refrigerator and pantry... a grocery nightmare. Since we were only blessed with one boy- I feel like we definitely got one of the best!

I just have to add... he tolerates the Barbies in his bed, the crayon drawings on his homework, and the girl drama/giggles most of the time without complaining. He has his own space and definitely uses it. (His sisters just adore him- someday he might even notice the hero worship).

Friday, January 9, 2009

PETROGLYPHS in my backyard

I was hiking the other day with Corynn and some friends and we came upon some petroglyphs on a few big boulders. I was so excited. As we were looking at them another man came along and said that they were real and told us where more were. Just thought I'd post these since it was such an exciting find. Less than a mile from home and ancient!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Night 2009

For the first time in a long time we went to a New Years Party. It was downtown at the city center- the St George First Night Party 2009. Yippee! and BRRRRRR! It was chilly!

It took 2 cars to get there because of our load of kids. I brought Chloe and Sadie, along with Corynn and 2 of her friends around 8 pm. The big girls ran off and I took the littles to the bounce houses, rode the train, tried to see the magic show, found a clown that made balloon critters for the girlies, and met up with Tony.

We watched the Karaoke singers and bought a big giant scone to keep warm. There were fireworks at 10 and then the little ones were done and ready to go. Tony had brought a car load of boys- Christian and 3 friends. He ended up bringing all the big kids home somehow in his truck and I just had my two youngin's. No one lasted till midnight at first night. It was unusually cold.

Came home, warmed everyone up, and put them to bed. Corynn fell asleep on the couch and Christian came home from his friends house around 1 am. Tony and I celebrated in a quiet house with a fire and a few noisy poppers that made a mess.

As for 2009- let's be hopeful!
*May it bring better economic news
*May it bring happy times
*May we find health
*May love fill this home and yours!!!

Duck, Duck, Ewwwwww

What to do when your cat drags home a duck that is almost as big as he is?

1- Rename the cat CUJO
2- Witness the dog's jealousy of the kill and carry around a stuffed duck
3- Hope the duck flew into the window and died instead of being Lucky's toy

Answer? The last two of the list.
Problem with #1- I already had a cat named Cujo growing up who more accurately fit the bill.
As for #2- the dog really did get jealous and run over to pick up his stuffed duck.
#3- Still checking all our windows for hopes of a duck collision and not that Lucky discovered the duck pond and will repeat this occurrence more often in the future. We're all still grossed out.