Monday, April 13, 2009

Manic Monday

Rants of a lunatic... like it? I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog to that catchy title. Here's why, this is some of the things I am cramming into the day, not all by choice...

I must recover from sugar overload due to Easter candy
Take down Easter gobbly gook
Tackle the mountain of laundry
check in with my friends that have sick loved ones (sadly there are a lot)
Go to Costco
Get hamster food before the poor things die
Figure out a little church job complication that was placed in my lap last night at 10 pm
Be patient with my kids
plan meals
recover the kitchen from early morning ravages
once again start my diet
make sure phone calls are made
make sure bills are paid
help my in laws dig up papers for taxes, which they forgot to have done and today is the 13th
finish the weeding in the yard
spend one on one time with each of my 4 kids
make sure kids maintain proper hygiene
meditate (yeah, right)
read to my youngers
read my scriptures
plan a family night
plan a family night treat that is low fat and calorie free
start gathering stuff for the next garage sale
make sure my boys eagle project doesn't get neglected
force son to work on electronic high school for the computer tech class he failed

****************Just a snippet of today's fun filled activities.
UPDATE 12 pm (that's noon, I still have time, right?)
Have done little on this list
have eaten some naughty brownies and ham & beans from Sunday (cold) for lunch- yea, gag
found chocolate all over Chloe's bed and am washing her sheets & comforter
Gave Sadie a bath because she drew all over her legs
Picked up toys 3 times, Barbies once
Set up a primary meeting
Spend 1 hour on the computer planning the upcoming 2 months for my meeting
Watched Sadie eat shredded cheese for lunch (it beats the chocolate bunny she wanted)- no sandwich? see next on the list...
Discovered that we are out of bread, juice boxes, fruit
No exercise
No shower

However... I did put Easter stuff away.


Pam said...

I love the new idea! Your list is very similar to mine for today except I probably will not call people willingly since I so not like talking on the phone.

Becca said...

Every time I read, I think, "my gosh, this is the rant of a lunatic." Excellent post. Did you get to see Pam while she was in town. I didn't even know she had left. Bad daughter-in-law.