Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thoughts of an imperfect perfectionist

You know those moments when life is absolutely perfect? Nope, me either.What would that be like... "absolute perfection"? Maybe it's...
When there are no bills piled up to be paid, no deadlines, no homework.
The serenity of absolute quiet that the lack of noise is a joyful reunion.
When you have no wrinkles, no cellulite, and just no physical awareness of imperfection.
You don't have, nor have you ever experienced allergies or sinus problems.
When the calendar is empty and you can chose what to do.
Everyone worships the ground you walk on.
News programs have been banished from television due to false information.
The sun is out and the temperature is ideal.
Your nails are painted perfectly by an actual professional manicurist.
Someone else has cleaned your house exactly as you would have, because you paid them.
You can get in the shower or bathtub without someone pounding on the door.
The silver is sparkling as well as the crystal stemware.
Someone else struggles with getting sheets on your extra thick mattress, you just sleep on it.

Sometimes it's fun to think about and wonder if anyone really has that easy, stress free, perfect life. What kind of people are they? I bet I wouldn't like them much and find them nauseatingly shallow. I would rather be a woman of substance. In life I believe the goal is to create for ourselves moments of "absolute perfection", more like this...
The house is a mess, but everyone is happy, healthy, and together.

When what you have is good enough because it's yours.

The bills are not paid, but there is money in the bank. Today there is work.
Your pants still fit!
There is food in your cupboard.
Your country is still free... teetering, but today it remains free.

No one is fighting under your roof, which is not leaking.

Rain really smells amazing and you are thankful for the moisture.
Thunderstorms are more fascinating when you watch them with your kids.
Sunny days wear out kids and make them sleepy early.
You are loved. Needed more than you will ever know.
Your kids look like relatives in their younger years and it makes you smile.
Sleep is your friend, your pillow and you have a wonderful relationship again after years of having nights interrupted by the most precious needs of a tiny life.
Your car will probably start today without a jump, and your tires aren't flat.
Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens...j/k
You are a survivor who has fallen and gotten back on your feet a smarter, wiser, more thankful person.

What could possibly be more perfect?
Maybe just another day of it, be it what it may... and what you make it.

1 comment:

Heather McDonald said...

Amen! I'm really LOVING your new, longer blogs it seriously inspires me to think harder during my day about more important things.