Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Today was the Valentines Party at school for Chloe's second grade class that I volunteered to help with. Complications arose as they often do. The day before the party I was called to go pick up Chloe at school because she was sick- she had a 101 degree fever. Then that night I HAD to be at a 4 hour scouting meeting (insane) and came home to a message that the room mom called and is stuck in Salt Lake so I am in charge. I called her back and got the scoop and discovered that not only was she stuck up there, but the teacher Mrs Carlson, was stuck also. There was a road closure due to a bad accident. I knew what we had planned on doing over the phone earlier in the week so I wasn't too upset, just hoping I had some moms show up to help because now 2 of the 4 helping were unable to be there. Must be the fault of it being a friday the 13th!

Chloe woke up this morning still sick, still feverish. It was Dads and Doughnuts today and she went to school loaded up on Tylenol with her dad and I prayed she'd make it there till the party. Now, because I can pull things off when I need to, sometimes I am actually competent, I called my neighbor also with a kid in this class and had her come in to help. Thank you Chris! Sadie was so excited to come and "help" also. (She was an angel!) It all worked out just fine. Two other moms showed up as well and we had tons of food which I wasn't sure we'd have. The kids were very good and the whole thing was pretty calm actually. SO we filled them up with sugary treats and sent them off to lunch and recess. The poor substitute is gonna have some fun afternoon with those monkeys!!

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